Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tips To Maintain Your Canister Vacuum Cleaner!

Every house has a canister vacuum cleaner these days. But only buying a top rated canister vacuum is not enough. You need to maintain it properly so that it lasts for a long time. Even a good vacuum cleaner can get damaged due to bad maintenance. Here are a few maintenance tips for you to keep you vacuum cleaner in proper condition:

• Change The Bags Daily
It is important that you change the bags daily. You might purchase a good vacuum cleaner after reading canister vacuum reviews. But if you do not change the bag when it is 2/3rd full, it cannot clean properly as there will not be any space for the dirt to enter. Do not wait until the bag is completely full. In case of a bag vacuum cleaner, be sure to change whenever you feel that there is a decrease in the suction power. Bagless containers are transparent and you can see when the bags need to be changed.

• Attach The Bags

The longer you have had a vacuum cleaner at your place, the more difficult it is to attach the bags to your canister vacuum cleaner. Even in case of a top rated canister vacuum, it can be quite a difficult task. Make sure that you attach the opening of the bag to the nozzle. If the bag is not attached properly, the dirt will not be able to enter the bag. Hence, it will enter the moving parts of the machines instead and can cause the machine to breakdown.

• Checking The Brush Roll

You have to keep on checking the brush roll. With time, things might get tangled and that can decrease the spinning, causing the dirt to get accumulated. You have to lift the plat first and then check the rolls. After removing the unwanted items, you can clean it with water and soap and keep it back.

• Checking The Belt

After checking the roll, you have to check the belt. In canister vacuum cleaners, the condition of the belt is critical as it should be tightly attached to the roll. You have to keep an eye out to check whether the belt has frayed or narrowed down. The belt of any vacuum cleaner should be replaced at least once in every six month or a year. It depends on the frequency of using the vacuum cleaner.

• Checking The Hoses And Filters

Most of the vacuum cleaners that have good canister vacuum reviews have filters. These filters need to be cleaned periodically for the machine to work properly. While you can rinse a plastic filter, you have to shake a filter that is made out of fabric or paper in order to clean it out. Your vacuum cleaner filter is responsible for your indoor air quality. Keep in mind to check the hoses regularly as well as objects can get stuck to it.

Despite these simple maintenance tricks, you may need to take your canister vacuum cleaner to the shop. If you do not know the source of the problem in a vacuum cleaner, it is the right thing to do!

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